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Installation for starters

You are not using dbt (yet?) in your company but would like to try to re_data

Excellent choice! re_data can help you with data quality and is a good way to start using dbt in your organization, even if you are: not yet ready to switch, or happy with the current way of transforming data.

Install re_data package & init your project#

For new users we recommend installing re_data package:

pip install re_data

re_data includes dbt in dependencies so after this step you will already have it installed in your system.

Then initialize your dbt project with:

re_data init project_name

Setup you db connection#

Dbt stores connection details for you db in ~/.dbt/profiles.yml. Example setup for postgres below:

project_name:  target: dev  outputs:    dev:      type: postgres      host: xxx      user: xxx      password: xxx      port: 5432      dbname: xxx      schema: project_name      threads: 4

More details on how to set up a profile file for your DB can be found in dbt docs

You are done#

You are done, check out next chapter about example data quality project.