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To run re_data you would usually need to set up some variables in your dbt_project.yml config. Below example configuration followed with an explanation of it.

vars:  # if not passed, last day stats will be computed  re_data:time_window_start: '{{ (run_started_at - modules.datetime.timedelta(1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00") }}'  re_data:time_window_end: '{{ run_started_at.strftime("%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00") }}'
  # *required  re_data:schemas:    - dq_raw    # *required if you want to configure re_data in code (not in DB)  re_data:monitored:
    - schema: dq_raw      database: postgres      tables:        - name: sample_table          time_filter: creation_time
          # (optional) specify columns for which re_data should run          columns:            - event_type            - value1            - value2                    metrics: # my additional metrics for table            table:              - my_custom_table_metric              - distinct_rows:                  key: value # table metrics can take in config unique to it.
            column:              event_type:                - distinct_count                - match_regex:                    regex: ([A-Za-z0-9]+) # passing a key value pair of config to a column metric.
        - name: sample_with_anomaly          time_filter: creation_time
      # this would work for all tables in the list      actively_monitored: true
  # (optional) if not passed, all metrics below except custom   # ones will be used  re_data:metrics_base:    table:      - row_count      - freshness      - buy_count # my own custom metric          column:      numeric:        - min        - max        - avg        - stddev        - variance        - nulls_count        - diff # my own custom metric              text:        - min_length        - max_length        - avg_length        - nulls_count        - missing_count
  # (optional) global z_score threshold to use for alerting  # usually keeping default will be enough  re_data:alerting_z_score: 3
  # (optional) tells how much hisory you want to consider when looking for anomalies  re_data:anomaly_detection_look_back_days: 30

re_data:time_window_start, re_data:time_window_end#

re_data metrics are time-based. (re_data filters all your table data to a specific time window.) In general, we advise setting up a time window this way that all new data is monitored. It's also possible to compute metrics from overlapping data for example last 7 days.

By default, re_data computes daily stats from the last day (it actually uses exact configuration from example for that)


Schemas you would like to monitor, re_data will inspect all tables from those schemas, you can choose which tables to monitor and can setup details about that either in:

  • your dbt project (re_data:monitored var)
  • in your database

By default re_data queries the same DB as your dbt project (usually defined in ~/.dbt/profiles.yml file). In BigQuery and Snowflake, schemas passed can also take the form of db_name.schema_name which will cause re_data to query db_name specified to find tables to monitor.


One of the most important settings. You can define here:

  • what tables you would like to monitor
  • what columns you would like to use for time filtering in them
  • what metrics to compute for those tables

re_data:monitored is expected to be a list with elements containing: schema, database, tables keys. tables key is expected to be a list of tables to monitor.

(schema, database keys are optional here, if not passed re_data will use dbt project schema/database to infer those, you still need to pass: re_data:schemas with all schemas to monitor)

Each element of tables has:

  • name which is the name of the table (dbt model, seed, source)
  • time_filter column you choose for time filter
  • actively_monitored information if you with to monitor table
  • columns if you would like to run re_data only for subset of columns specify them here
  • metrics what additional metrics you would like to compute for tables. Check out the exact syntax in the config example.

Notice, above table settings, except name can be also set for all tables at once (check actively_monitored: true usage in the example)


This is a set of metrics to compute for all monitored tables. Some metrics like row_count are table level, others are specified per column type: so that expression will be run for all columns of this type.

Here you only add metrics if you want to compute them for all tables which are monitored. If you want to add metrics to be computed for a specific table (or tables) you can do it with re_data:monitored var.


The threshold for alerting, you can leave it as is or update depending on your experience. (By default it's 3)


The period which re_data considers when looking for anomalies. (By default it's 30 days)