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Specifying custom metrics

Now, let's focus on some metrics which will be specific for us. Let's start with a very simple metric. We would like to know how many our orders are above 300$.

We create an new file for our metrics in our macros folder and create macro definition:

{% macro re_data_metric_large_orders(context) %}    coalesce(      sum(          case when amount > 300            then 1          else 0          end      ), 0    ){% endmacro %}

And now let's just add this configuration to orders table in dbt_project.yml

dbt_project.yml vars
vars:  re_data:alerting_z_score: 3  re_data:schemas:    - toy_shop  re_data:monitored:    - tables:      - name: orders        time_filter: created_at        actively_monitored: true                metrics:          table:            - large_orders

And run re_data again..

dbt run --models package:re_data --vars \   '{     "re_data:time_window_start": "2021-01-01 00:00:00",     "re_data:time_window_end": "2021-01-02 00:00:00"    }'

Let's check who the metric computed:

select table_name, column_name, metric, value, time_window_start, time_window_end  from toy_shop_re.re_data_metrics where metric = 'large_orders';
           table_name           | column_name |    metric    | value |  time_window_start  |   time_window_end--------------------------------+-------------+--------------+-------+---------------------+--------------------- "postgres"."toy_shop"."orders" |             | large_orders |     4 | 2021-01-01 00:00:00 | 2021-01-02 00:00:00

Ok, we managed to compute our first custom metric! ๐ŸŽ‰

One thing you probably noticed is custom metric is just an expression. This makes it possible for re_data to compute many metrics in one query. But if you need to do a separate query to compute a metric it's still possible.

If you are interested how this should look, check out re_data unique_rows metric.

Notice writing custom metrics which are doing subqueries is more advanced feature of re_data, so if you found yourself doing that it maybe good for you to join our Slack! ๐Ÿ˜Š

And now once, let's move to another interesting topic: anomalies!