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All data produced by re_data is saved in dbt models. Let's go over the most important of them:


This models contains (almost all - except schema changes) metrics computed by re_data. Here is how this table looks like:

select * from dq_re.re_data_metrics                id                |          table_name          | column_name |   metric    | value |  time_window_start  |   time_window_end   | interval_length_sec----------------------------------+------------------------------+-------------+-------------+-------+---------------------+---------------------+-------------------- 5950d1123559dee165d999c9c85a71ce | "postgres"."dq"."buy_events" | value1      | min         |   107 | 2021-05-01 00:00:00 | 2021-05-02 00:00:00 |               86400 4de8037a73b65339e940065968ab53be | "postgres"."dq"."buy_events" | value1      | max         |   107 | 2021-05-01 00:00:00 | 2021-05-02 00:00:00 |               86400 5824e152ceb289fd4170e28964781296 | "postgres"."dq"."buy_events" | value1      | avg         |   107 | 2021-05-01 00:00:00 | 2021-05-02 00:00:00 |               86400

And here is a brief description of what all columns mean:

  • id - unique id generated for column, generated from table_name, column_name, metric, time_window_start, time_window_end. In the case of these 5 metrics being the same for newly generated data, data for metric will be overwritten.
  • table_name - full name of the monitored table in your database
  • column_name - column name, or empty value in case of table level metrics
  • metric - name of metric, are defined in metrics
  • value - value of a metric (curently all re_data metrics are numeric)
  • time_window_start - timestamp of time window start
  • time_window_end - timestamp of time window end
  • interval_length_sec - length of time-window in seconds, used internally to compare same length time intervals when computing anomalies


Schema changed are computed separately, this model contains all detected schema changes.


Model containing:

  • table names
  • their time filters columns
  • and additional metrics to be computed for those.

This model refreshes each time re_data runs and describes what re_data computes. It is generated from your dbt_project.yml configurations plus the optional re_data_tables configuration saved in the data warehouse.


This table is an optional way of defining what re_data computes. (apart from dbt_project vars configuration).

2 columns can be edited in this table:

  • actively_monitored to true/false to start/stop monitoring table and computing stats for it, (default: false)

  • time_filter to the name of the column you would like to use as a time filter.

    re_data prioritizes code configuration so changes will only affect tables that are not specified in dbt_project.yml.

We strongly advise to not configure the same parameters both in DB and code. DB configuration is meant for people wanting to enable/disable lots of tables on the DB level as opposed to configuring them all in code.


Computed z_score for metric. re_data looks back on what where metrics values in last 30 days and compute z_score for newest value.


View computed on top of re_data_z_score table to contain metrics that look alerting. Alerting threshold is controlled by var re_data:alerting_z_score which is equal to 3 by default, but can be changed and adjusted.